Gas Credit Cards
You'll Be Missing Out On Huge Rewards If You Don't Use A Card
If you want to save money at the pumps, gas credit cards are a good way to go. Gas rebate credit cards offer anywhere from 3% to 5% cash back, and many offer an introductory rate of 10%.
There are several types of credit cards to choose from; some cards give rebates at any gas station, and some offer a 5% rebate on grocery store purchases and a 1% rebate on all other purchases.
A very good site for comparing cards is credit card guide
They list various types of cards and the features of each one including cashback, bonus points, rewards, etc.
Most of these cards do not charge annual fees, but if you carry a balance, you may prefer to carry it on a low interest credit card, as gas cards tend to have higher than average interest rates. Some cards offer a 0 apr (annual percentage rate) for an introductory period, frequent flier miles and other rewards.
If you're really intent on saving money on gas you'll need to take a look at your driving habits, which can make quite a difference.
I visited this website recently and was surprised at how your driving style can affect gas mileage. Just click on the left of the page "50 ways to save on gas."
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